GenType Fitness

Personalized Fitness for Your Genes.

GenType Fitness

Your genes play a role in everything from your eye color to your risk of disease. But did you know that your genes also affect your fitness potential?

GenType Fitness is a DNA test that can help you understand how your unique genetic makeup affects your fitness traits. This information can be used to create a personalized fitness plan that is tailored to your individual needs and goals.

For example, if your GenType Fitness test reveals that you have a genetic predisposition for endurance sports, your personalized fitness plan may focus on activities such as running, swimming, and cycling. If your test reveals that you have a genetic predisposition for power sports, your plan may focus on activities such as weightlifting and sprinting.

Your GenType Fitness results can also help you:

• Optimize your training program for maximum results
• Reduce your risk of injury
• Improve your recovery time
• Achieve your fitness goals faster and easier

How does GenType Fitness work?

GenType Fitness is a simple DNA test that can be done at home. You simply collect a saliva sample and send it to the lab. The lab will then analyze your DNA and look for specific genetic markers that are associated with different fitness traits.

Once your results are ready, you will receive a personalized report that explains your genetic makeup and how it affects your fitness traits. The report will also include recommendations for a personalized fitness plan.

Who should get a GenType Fitness test?

GenType Fitness is beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their fitness performance or achieve their fitness goals faster and easier. However, it is especially helpful for people who:

• Are serious about their fitness and want to take their training to the next level
• Are new to exercise and want to create a fitness plan that is right for them
• Have had trouble achieving their fitness goals in the past
• Are at risk of injury

If you are interested in learning more about how your genes affect your fitness potential, GenType Fitness is a great option. It is a simple and affordable way to get personalized recommendations for a fitness plan that is right for you.